Saturday, November 29, 2008

About that

I returned the Samsung Home Theater system. I will just keep what I have. It's worked fine for years. I will wait for a few months an revisit the idea. Only problem...I returned the system with Kelli's Tae Bo video inside. Ooops.

The laptop that served me perfectly for over a year and was sold to my sister in law is officially dead. It was working fine a few weeks ago. I checked up on her today...working ok. Then she called and said it was running a check disk. Then it worked. Then died. I feel bad. I have no idea what is causing her to have some many problems. The computer was wiped clean when I was last there. I installed all the updates.....and thought she would be okay. Negative. She called me from Fry's Electronics. They had a basic Acer Notebook onsale today for $298. By the time she got there they were sold out. I sent her to Best Buy. They have a nice HP laptop for $499 although I told her if it were my money I would buy a Macbook. Jury is still out as to which one she will get. This will end me selling/giving any computers to friends or family. I have done it three times. The first time was back in college. That one turned out pretty  good. I sold a Pentium 200 MHz computer with 128MB of RAM (a ton in those days!) to a fraternity brother. When I met Kelli I built a computer for her mom....tested it....shipped it out....and it died within days. Now this laptop. It's just not meant to be.

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