Blogs have been around for hundreds of years...probably thousands...maybe millions. Until the last 10 years or so they were private...and known by a different name....diaries.
My blogs are just a record of all the random crap that flows through my head. Actually just small portion of what flows through my head (prolly a good thing!). On occasion I make people upset. Mostly Kelli. It took her a while to accept that I don't censor myself much. I mean what I say/think/write about. I am sorry if it bothers her. Not going to change the fact on how I feel. Whenever she gets upset I ask her jokingly "How did you find that out?" or "Why are you reading my website? That's private!" The fact that I upset her (sometimes enough that I sleep with one eye open.....ha!) doesn't change the fact that we are married and will continue to be until she kills me, the dogs are trained to kill me, I die of "natural causes" or I have a bad day that order.
Why do I blog? Because I am the most interesting person on earth and feel everyone else should be able to experience all that is Darren. Stop laughing....I'm serious!
I renovated flying blog. It's all new and fancy. It "feels" a lot like this site does. I like Wordpress blogging software much more than Lifetype Go check it's a beautiful thing now.
I'm tired. Woke at 3:30AM Dallas time to start my day. The Captain I am flying with is the most junior Captain at DFW (like I am the most Junior First Officer at DFW) and thus we will by flying a lot together. Thankfully she is a very nice lady and a great Captain. This morning I knew we would be early getting back to DFW. I was hoping to go home right away. Nope. We will be working until at least 4PM....more likely 5PM. This will mean a very long...tiring work day. We started our workday officially at 4:15AM Dallas time. We can't work past 6:15PM. Wherever we are at 6:15PM is where we will be until tomorrow. Right now that will hopefully by home....but might be Arkansas. Booo.
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