Last week I broke the dryer after I overloaded it with towels. There was a burning smell and it stopped working. Thankfully it's under warranty until next month.
The repairman came last week. He diagnosed it as a bad controller board. I was pretty sure it was a motor issue (burning smell and all).
He came back today, installed the controller dice. After calling tech support he took off the top and saw a broken belt. Thankfully he had one in the truck. Once he came back in he found a broken pulley. He asked what I was drying. I stated "a normal load...why?" He had never seen a broken pulley in the last 10 years. Hmmm yeah.
There was no pulley on his truck. He said he would be back this evening. A few hours later...dryer is fixed. We now have a new blower motor, pulley and controller board. No more towel drying for me.
I am not buying a slot machine. Kelli is going to buy one for me! It's a late birthday gift.
We discussed the off spring thing this evening. No changes.
I waxed my car today....looks awesome.
Tomorrow I go back to work....I work the next 6 days....the price I pay for having a week off.
I think Kelli and I will go to Tokyo in October for the largest Auto show in the world....oh and sight seeing. Hopefully the economy still sucks then and we can easily travel non-rev.
Friday I'm going to a Lost & Found Sale at DFW airport. There is a lot of stuff for sale cheap! At the last one they had several golf club sets, computers, sunglasses, clothes, cell phones, LOTS OF CAR REMOTES, books and more. Everything you could possibly think of to be left behind is for sale. It's on the NON-SECURE (meaning anyone can go!) area of terminal E. Lost of BABY CLOTHES and TOYS!

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