Monday, June 1, 2009

It works

I have a crappy work schedule this month. Most of my days off are on days where Kelli works and vice versa.

Next week I might take a day trip to Washington, D.C to visit some museums. Kelli might fly to New York this weekend to see her brother.

Just 9300 miles on my Mazda5. It will be interesting to see what vehicle is replaced in our garage first. Kelli's Prius is almost 6 years old. By the time my Mazda is due to be turned in, her car will be 8 years old. Not terribly old. But close. Will we turn in my car and keep hers for my use (since I don't drive much). Or buy my car (as it's more family friendly) and keep her car. Or buy my car and buy a new car. will see.

Kelli took me to the new Night at the Museum movie. Ugh. I didn't care for the first one. The second one however.....didn't care for it either. I honestly couldn't recall any part of the movie beyond the scenes at the Air & Space Museum. No big deal, Kelli was bored out of her mind (and fell asleep) when I took her to Alamo. Even.

I bought a new Wii Fit game called EA Sports Active. This was supposed to be better than Wii Fit. Amazon had it for $60, Fry's had it for $50. I meant to buy it while in Oregon to save taxes. I couldn't find it, so I bought it here.

When I first played it I was very frustrated. After watching the videos and thinking about what I was doing I am happier. EA Sports Active is a little more exacting that Wii Fit. In EA Sports Active there is a lot of focus on doing the exercises correctly. Also the exercises can easily be put into a routine so they flow non-stop. I designed my own workout and am very pleased with the results. So far so good. We will see what I think in a few weeks.

My slot machine is teaching me a lot about how big of a rip off slot machines are. My machine is set for 98% payback. Now that is 98% payback over the life of the machine. I have put $400 in during a session and lost it all!

I flew with a Captain last week that really turned me on to craps. He has a system where he plays just 20 minute sessions 10 times a day. He stops playing when he wins $100 or reaches 20 minutes. He told me how he bets, and I remembered some of it. I am going to help him out with some computer stuff soon and will get more information. His average is winning 8 out of 10 sessions. Not bad at all.

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