Made it to Japan!
The flight was awesome. Clearing customs was very quick. From the plane to the curb was under 10 minutes. We had to wait 30 minutes for the hotel van.
Hotel is very nice. Room isn't terribly small. Photos later. Been up for 21 hours.
Free WIRED internet in the room. I brought an old wireless router. Reason is I brought my HP 5101 netbook for Kelli. She didn't want to bring her Macbook. We are now both using the Internet.
We walked down to a 7-11. Best place to find an ATM. Strangely smallest amount we could take out was 10,000 yen or about $100! Nutty. I bought a Japanese beer while Kelli got a Japanese candy bar. I wanted something hot. I pointed to their hot food case. Lady said "chicken". I said "one". It was fried chicken on a stick. Pretty tastey.
The coins here are interesting. Smallest value is equal to $1.00.
Tired. Going to bed. It's 4:20PM here. 2:20AM in Dallas.
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