Above is a view from my office. Taken at 36,000 feet coming in from the north east. Dallas is in the upper left. I could see the airport even though I was more than 100 miles away. A huge high pressure system was over the area yesterday. Very nice day.
Less than a month till the cruise. I moved my work days around next month to have off from the 22nd thru the end of the month while only "using" 6 days of vacation. Of course I pay for it by working my ass off the 1st thru 21st.
I plan on going to Detroit next month for the North American International Autoshow. Kelli has no desire to go.
I've been an XBOX live member for over a year. I only joined to watch Netflix on the XBOX 360. Only recently I started playing games online. Right now I am playing Need For Speed Shift. Pretty fun.
Yesterday I landed a 63,000 pound plane with 53 other souls on board at 12:36PM. At 12:45PM we pulled into the gate. By 12:59PM I was sitting in Kelli's car on the way to have lunch. We were meeting with Kelli's cousin Julie, her husband Bill and their daughter Katelyn. They were in town as Bill has family in Colleyville. It's all about timing.
While eating it became very apparent to me that a lot of people have no idea what goes on in the cockpit of airplanes. Bill though there were still 3 people up there. Interesting. Bill is a very intelligent guy who works in the financial industry. He does VERY well as Julie is a stay at home mother with a Porsche Cheyenne SUV and a huge house complete with a maid . That got me thinking (dangerous I know) that I will never earn as much as he does. Yeah.....
I have a new ROM on my G1. The developer at Cyanaogenmod has ported lots of bits from Android 2.0 to the G1. It's much snappier and useful now.
Come check out the weather for Montana... Now we have SNOW... Florida is looking better everyday